Announcement: The inTech Summit for 2024 has been canceled. The Summit will return in the spring of 2025.
What is inTech Summit?
inTech Summit is a half-day engaging, hands-on teaching and learning experience for prospective and current K-12 educators. The conference is open to all current educators (K-12 and Higher Education) as well as pre-service teachers.
The Format
Experience numerous 50-minute sessions focused around our conference strands: Fine Arts/Physical Education, Classroom Management Tools, Microsoft Tools & Schoology, and Innovation in Education.
Presenter Testimonials
“Tech Summit provides an amazing platform for educators to collaborate and share innovative practices that have the potential to transform our classroom instruction.”
— Caleb Wilson - 7th Grade Science Teacher; Stephen Decatur Middle School 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year
About inTech Summit
The inTech Summit is thrilled to once again host Worcester County Public Schools only technology conference. The conference staff is small, but very driven to offer teachers, administrators, and other district staff an engaging and enriching day of professional growth. In 2022, the virtual event is FREE and open to all educational professionals from any school system.
While the technology tools used in and around classrooms are constantly changing, our mission is quite simple. It's our focus to offer a low cost experience with a high cost feeling. Come and experience new technologies and discover more ways to enhance instruction through technology integration.